A review by shells
Ashes by Scott Nicholson


Hmmm...I'm not sure where to start. The forward by Author Scott Nicholson was very entertaining, and struck me as very wise.
He states. "In the late 90's and early 21st Century, we saw the rise of yet another genre that polluted the word horror: torture porn. Films like Hostel, Saw and their many imitators are shock cinema."
I'd have to agree. Saw doesn't interest me in the least. I am very difficult to scare when it comes to movies and books. Perhaps I am jaded. The last movie that I truly jumped during was Signs, and before that, The Sixth Sense. (Of course, those are also the only two M. Knight. Shyamalan movies worth watching.)
And a good scary story? That's a thing of the past. I can remember getting a little freaked out while reading a couple Stephen King books, those true horror ones, not the books he writes as of late that are more commentary on the political world than the scary aspects on the human condition...but I digress.
Back to the book at hand, Ashes.
I wouldn't say that my pants were scared off. Nope. Still, securely in place. But I did enjoy most of these short stories. They were entertaining, some with a little twist. I think the second one, Haunted was my favorite. Perhaps because I didn't see the ending coming.
So, I'll give them 3 stars for the writing, which was done well. And for the entertainment value of the stories. But they lose 2 for the lack of horror I was promised.