A review by ggreeley
The Host by Stephenie Meyer


I borrowed this audiobook from the library. I am a fan of the Twilight series and wanted to know what Stephenie Meyer could do for an adult audience. I don't think I would have finished it, if I were actually reading it. I found the first few chapters too sci-fi for me. However, listening to it allowed me to get a little deeper into the characters and relationships that were built.

Borrowed from another review. She NAILED IT:
If someone were to ask me, "Was it good?" I'd have to think for a long time and then say, "No.... Well... yes, sorta.... No... It was ok." But if someone were to ask me if I'd enjoyed it, I'd instantly reply, "Yes!" Would I read it again? Probably not. Was it exciting? On occasion. Was it interesting? Very much so, in my opinion. Was it weird? YES! Were the characters well-developed? ... After the first half of the book, yes, I suppose.

I don't know exactly what I think of this book. It was enjoyable! I'm not sorry that I read it! But it was weird and not normally what I would pick up.