A review by dlsmall
The Ascension: A Super Human Clash by Michael Carroll


As a comic book geek who reads a lot of YA, this was a book that I was obviously going to read. I liked Carroll's preceding "Quantum Prophesy" trilogy a lot. I was less sold on the first title in this trilogy (Super Human). I do like the design of the ancient Assyrian "villain" brought to our time, Krodin...he is very demigod-y.

This book could definitely have been slimmmed down by about fifty pages, with the streamlining of one of the numerous parallel plots. I did appreciate the way that the young hero Thunder's power (sound wave control) was developed, making him a serious threat, where he was previously kind of a support player. The ulimate handling of the story's "big bad" was also fairly clever.

It can be so hard to find accessible YA books for boys, so I am always on the lookout for titles to recommend to my buddy the school librarian, and this book fits the bill for superhero loving dudes (And dudettes). I know several students who will dig this series. But, if you're not into the genre, I'd skip it.