A review by evarano
The Getaway List by Emma Lord


The Getaway List follows Riley, who just graduated from high school and heads to New York to reconnect with her childhood best friend, Tom. Over the summer, they decide to complete their getaway list of items they were never able to do together since Tom moved away. They develop friendships, complete their list, struggles with in their relationships with their mothers, and dance around their feelings for each other.

I didn’t love this. Tweet Cute is such an amazing book, I loved it, I also really enjoyed Lord’s second book, but nothing since, maybe it’s time for me to hang up my hat? I feel like Lord can never capture the magic of Tweet Cute in any of her stories after. I was so bored with this, I listened to the audiobook and the narrator was good, but I just wanted it to be over. I thought the ending point was around 80%, and when it kept going I couldn’t believe it. I just found this dragged, there were so many friends and I wasn’t invested in their stories, I also really didn’t care about any of the getaway list tasks. I feel like the ending just dragged out and could’ve ended much quicker, it was so predictable. I didn’t like either of their mothers, they were kind of awful in their own way. The only part of this I enjoyed was the potential romance between Tom and Riley, it was really sweet, but they’re literally not together for the entire story, at all….
Anyways, I think this could be good for others, though it’s YA, it does feel juvenile. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the free preview in exchange for an honest review.