A review by princessleopard
Vantage Point by Ian J. Middleton


Preface: I received a free copy of this novel in exchange for an honest review.

This was not a good read, I'll say that up front. You generally have to be more lenient with short stories in terms of pacing, but this one is really all over the place. Things go from 0-60 in the blink of an eye, to the point where it's almost laughable. The main character, John, is stunningly inept from start to finish, and the story becomes a comedy of errors that just rockets up the ridiculousness more as the story goes on. The villain's turn is unexpected and silly, the kills are bizarre and largely off-screen, and the ending is so confusing that I still really don't understand what happened or why. I really can't explain this story in a coherent way because it's so tangled and confusing in terms of when and why things happen. I definitely don't understand the author's choice to split this up into a trilogy of short stories vs one novel, aside from $$$. It certainly does the story a disservice by rushing things - this story definitely needed more time to breathe and develop. As it is, it's rushed, jumbled, and needlessly baffling.