A review by skinnypenguin
Desperate Creed by Alex Kava


Loved this story. It had suspense, a bit of romance, action, and just a good storyline.
Ryder Creed lives in Florida and trains scent dogs. His sister was abducted many years ago and has recently been found and is living with him now. He is helping her adjust to living in a normal world and is hesitant to leave her when he is asked to go to Alabama to search for people after a devastating tornado. She is in good hands with Hannah and her sons who also live with Creed. At the same time Hannah and Creed's friend, Frankie, witnesses her friend being killed on a street in Chicago and now the bad guys are after her. She takes off headed for Florida and the bad guys follow. She is scheduled to meet FBI agent Maggie O'Dell at a restaurant in Alabama and it ends up they get caught in a tornado.
The descriptions of the tornadoes is amazing. The destruction left afterwards can be heartbreaking. Ryder and his dog, Grace, help search for victims and it is tough work especially in those conditions. I learned a bit about search dog as I didn't know about how easily they can overheat. Creed also has an ex-army vet living with him who he is training to work with search dogs and he brings his dog up to help. More tornadoes are coming and everything seems to converge in the same spot where Creed is and also Maggie, Frankie and the killers.