A review by bookph1le
Career of Evil by Robert Galbraith


The best Strike book yet--but mainly because I love Robin. Strike is a good character too, I just really identify with Robin.

Click past the spoiler at your own risk!

SpoilerDid she really marry Matthew??? Please, say it ain't so! I hate that guy, and he's nowhere near good enough for Robin!

Don't take that to mean that I ship her and Cormoran, because I don't, not really. I do like that Cormoran respects her and recognizes her gifts and talents, but I'm not altogether sold on him and Robin as a couple. I just want to see her ride off into the sunset with someone more worthy, someone who will make her happy instead of feeling on edge at all times.

While the second book in the series was pretty darn graphic, this one is more disturbing because we see through the eyes of the killer, who is a deeply disturbing misogynist. Really, the mystery isn't so much the meat of this book as is the larger issue it brings up: the way women are viewed and treated in the Western world. A lot of what the book covers rings true, and it's a searing depiction of the situation of Western women in the twenty-first century.

Rowling almost outdoes herself at what I think she's always done best anyway: creating characters that are not just believable, but about whom I as a reader care deeply and viscerally.