A review by heabooknerd
Goalie Interference by Avon Gale, Piper Vaughn


GOALIE INTERFERENCE was a solid read and while it had its high points for me there were also low points that have made rating this one hard. I'll start with the good: I loved both Ryu and Emmitt and together they were on fire. Creating likable and enjoyable characters is obviously a strong suit for Avon Gale and Piper Vaughn. I strongly related to Ryu's introverted and reserved nature and his intense focus. In contrast, Emmitt is cocky, flashy, and extroverted and I loved every second of it! Together they're complete opposites but they help to balance each other out and their competitive battle works to make them better hockey players. I also loved seeing more of Tristan and Seb because I adored their book, OFF THE ICE, and as a complete surprise, I fell hard for Morley. He's loud, obnoxious, and goofy and all of those are compliments; I really hope his book is next!

What made this book hard to rate for me is the excessive telling. The majority of GOALIE INTERFERENCE felt like I was getting a summary of everything that was happening instead of actually experiencing it live. It made for a lot of internal monologues, info dumps, and quickly breezed by events. It made it much harder to connect with the story and if not for the strongly written characters I would have rated this lower. I waffled a lot on what to rate this and ultimately decided on 4 stars because I still really enjoyed the story overall.

**ARC provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review**