A review by susanthebookbag
Forgotten by Catherine McKenzie


Catherine McKenzie has done it again! I read her first novel, Spin, in January of this year and loved it. You can read my thoughts about Spin HERE. I loved the writing and loved the characters and was excited to see what was next from this awesome author. When I was asked to read and review her third novel, Forgotten, I was ecstatic! I also have her second book, Arranged, sitting on my bookshelf and I really need to get it down and get it read. So far, I have loved everything she has written and her books just keep getting better and better.

Emma Tupper is a successful lawyer who finds herself taking a one month trip to Africa after making a promise to her dying mother. Well, due to circumstances beyond her control, the one month turns into 6 months. When she finally makes it back to her life, where everyone assumed she had died, she has a hard time deciding if she wants to keep that life, and the people in it, or if it's time to make some changes.

'I've been thinking about it a lot lately, ever since, well, you know. And the thing that keeps occurring to me, the only positive thing, is that I can start over. How many people have a chance to change something major in their lives without having to suffer the consequences?'

I love that the themes of Catherine's books seem to be about looking at ourselves and our lives and deciding if this is where we really want to be. Her characters go through a lot of growing up and self-reflection about what makes them happy, something we should all try to do, right?

Like I said, this is the second book of Catherine's that I have read and she has now become a 'must-read' author for me. I will definitely be keeping an eye out for her books as they are published and I will be putting them at the top of my TBR list.