A review by jasmyn9
A Dangerous Talent by Aaron Elkins, Charlotte Elkins


A Dangerous Talent was a really fun read. I won't vouch for the accuracy of the artistic facts, I'm not an expert in that area. However, the main character, Alix London, is. Alix has an interesting history in the art world, and it's a history that doesn't really help her reputation. With a father convicted for forgery, she's had a hard time finding clients that will trust her.

But she does have a few, and the newest one, Christine Lemay, has decided she just must have a Georgia O'Keefe. And so begins Alix's first trip into mystery and mayhem. Chris and Alix are a great team. Chris is the loud and wonderfully outrageous woman that doesn't care what anyone thinks, and is a nice balance to Alix's much more conservative nature.

A simple trip to view and authenticate Chris's painting turns out to involve a dead body, an explosion, and an FBI agent. With a great mix of mystery and action, and maybe the beginnings of something with a certain hunky guy. This may not top the list of all-time favorites, but A Dangerous Talent was something I was very happy to stumble upon.