A review by nicolemhewitt
The Mirror King by Jodi Meadows


This review and many more can be found on my blog: Feed Your Fiction Addiction

Oh my goodness, this book!!! I seriously have no words for how utterly fantastic this book was. In fact, this review is going to be somewhat short because I don't feel like I can talk about anything specific without giving things away. Suffice it to say, the book was everything I was hoping for in a sequel and it finished off the duology beautifully!

What Fed My Addiction:

So. Many. Things.
I'm honestly going to have a really hard time talking about this book because there were so many amazing things that took me by surprise, but to talk about any of them, even vaguely, would feel spoilery. Wil and Tobias go through some EXTREME ups and downs and Wil's strength and character are tested in incredible ways. Meadows took so many unexpected turns, and I loved every moment of it!

The feels.
This book put me through an emotional wringer - There were parts of this book that made me gasp aloud, scenes that made me angry and frustrated (for the characters, not because I wasn't liking the book), scenes that had me swooning, and key events that made me cry. It was killing me in all the best ways!!!

The conclusion.
The finale was so incredibly satisfying - everything I was hoping for and more.

What Left Me Wanting More:

Okay, at 544 pages, this book does feel a bit long. It didn't drag for me at all, though. Meadows packed a lot into this book in order to make this a duology. But, in the end, I'd much rather have a slightly longer book two than a plot that's stretched out to fill three books.

I loved The Orphan Queen but honestly wasn't expecting to be so blown away by this finish. This book propelled the series into All-Time Favorite status for me. Without a doubt, 5/5 stars!

***Disclosure: I received this book from the publisher via Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review. No other compensation was given and all opinions are my own.***