A review by christajls
The Lives We Lost by Megan Crewe


This review originally posted at More Than Just Magic

When The Way We Fall ended we learned the pandemic had spread much further than the island. It was everywhere and the world we once knew was no more. The Lives We Lost picks up almost right after the first book ends. The reality of the current world staring our cast of characters right in the face – but hope springs eternal when Kaelyn discovers they might have cure.

I loved that this book got them off the island. Not that I didn’t like the island. But it’s such an isolated place and there is next to no opportunity to introduce new characters into the mix. Once our group leaves the island a world of possibilities are presented to them. There is a lot of walking. But I don’t want to call it “second book syndrome” because things do happen to them while they’re walking. Lots of things. So instead I think we should call it “Two Towers Syndrome.” We know it’s leading up to something big but it still keeps us entertained while we wait.

Part of the reason I’ve fallen so hard for this series is it takes place in Canada. It really irks me when Canadian authors set their books in the States when they could just as easily be set here. I love the angle being in Canada gives this story, as they’re basically walking across the Eastern half of the country during winter. And we all know Canadian winter is no picnic. I learned so many survival tricks and tips while reading this book. It was truly fascinating.

But awesome survival tips aside, it’s the characters that really make The Lives We Lost stand out. There are so many characters. Many of the originals are still around and we are introduced to a number of new ones along the way. Everyone felt unique and distinctive. I think Megan Crewe did a great job capturing the variety of personalities one would come across on a journey such as this. And Kaelyn is still so fabulous. She never gives up. But she’s not perfect either – she has doubts, like anyone would, and is forced to make many difficult decisions. But she is brave and I would follow her if I was in their position.

Recommendation: If you like adventure stories and realistic post-apocalyptic tales check out the Fallen World series. Also recommended for fans of Mike Mullin’s Ashfall.