A review by imbookingit
Lizzie Bright and the Buckminster Boy by Gary D. Schmidt


I enjoyed listening to this book.

In this book, Turner learns that adults don't always do the right thing, but that doesn't stop his attempts to do so.

Thinking back on it, the book could be seen as heavy on the lessons, but the story was about Turner learning them, and they were well balanced with the more adventurous aspects of the story.

For the most part, Turner seemed like a real kid to me. Perhaps he was a little too good to be true, but he wasn't perfect. I liked seeing how he grew as the book continued. The secondary characters were an interesting bunch. . Just as I'd start to think that although they were interesting, they were also flat, one of them would surprise me with some character development.

I'll recommend this book to my 11 year old. I actually wish I'd saved it for our upcoming road trip, I'm not sure I'll want to listen to it again that soon.