A review by brennieree33
Black Water by D.J. MacHale


So off we flume again to the territory of Eelong, where cat people live and humans are enslaved. Cool. I think that this book had a decently interestint premise, but it just took me so long to read. I think there was a cool twist ending, and it was nice to both meet some new characters and catch up with some old ones. Yay. I think this is a good kids book, but you can defitely tell that it's for a younger age demographic than the one that I belong to.

427 pages
TW: blood, death, enslavement, fighting

- I think it's super devastating to lose Kasha, especially after a long book of building her up and getting to know her, and her finally believing in the cause of the Travelers. I also think that while it kind of cheapens her death having her die by a freaking rock hitting her head, it shows the consequences of what happens when you break the rules.
- I hate that Bobby calls himself a creep when he was perfectly justified in what he did. Like yeah, he can apologize for being toughter than he should've been, but he wasn't a creep. I have no idea why this specific thing bothered me so much but it did.
- Why did Mark and Courtney use the flume when they could've literally gotten the name of the acolyte from Eelong from Tom Dorney, or told Yenza what was going on and have Spader head to Eelong without them? There were so many better solutions here and it ultimately happened for plot convience.
- I know that this book is for a younger audience, but no self-respecting 15 year old uses the word "icky" in casual conversation.
