A review by abeckstrom
The Future of Supervillainy by C.T. Phipps


This review is for the audiobook version of The Future of Supervillainy by C. T. Phipps and read by Jeffrey Kafer.

We're six books into the Supervillainy Saga at this point and we're at a stage where you really need to have read some (if not all) of the previous books in the series in order for most of this to make sense. Unlike some series, The Supervillainy Saga doesn't feel like individual stories that are connected by the same set of characters in the same world. It feels like the continuation of one single story that's been going on now for some time and appears to have no sign of slowing down, in other words, it's earned its designation as a saga.

While it's not my favorite of the books, it's a respectable entry in the saga. Gary Karkofsky (AKA: Merciless) continues to evolve and again shows growth of character. Something that, back in The Rules of Supervillainy, I would have never suspected.

This time around, the story takes Gary on a hollow earth tale in a superheroes versus Nazi's tale that could have happened during one of the many good JSA or All-Star Squadron runs except where all of the characters were morally ambiguous pastiches of themselves.

Future is another Phipps popcorn-fest. There's tons of stylized action and violence, nerd and geek references galore (you may need to open a tab to search Wikipedia from time to time), and Gary's trademark sense of humor is almost on-par with Jim Butcher's Harry Dresden at this point. The book also serves to remind the reader/listener that punching Nazis will never not be OK.

At this point, I'm not sure what else I can say about Jeffrey Kafer. It seems as if fully 25% of all books I listen to these days are narrated by him. He's an Audible rockstar. He's so dependable, that he's joined my list of elite narrators where I will actually search for books under their name when I'm looking for how to spend my monthly credit.

Will The Future of Supervillainy change your life? Goodness, no! Will you enjoy your time spent with Gary and his crew? Absolutely!

***Full Disclosure: I was voluntarily provided this free review copy audiobook by the author, narrator, or publisher.