A review by earlapvaldez
Avengers: Time Runs Out by Nick Bradshaw, Mark Farmer, Mike Deodato, Mike Perkins, Juan Vlasco, Rick Magyar, Guillermo Ortega, Mike Mayhew, Dustin Weaver, Cory Petit, Kev Walker, Paco Medina, Szymon Kudranski, Scott Hanna, Frank Martin, Alan Davis, David Curiel, Valerio Schiti, Jonathan Hickman, Dono Sánchez Almara, Brad Anderson, Stefano Caselli, Joe Caramagna, Mark Morales, Dalibor Talajić, Jim Cheung


This, I believe, stands out as the perfect prelude to [b:Secret Wars|25066824|Secret Wars|Jonathan Hickman|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1455502178s/25066824.jpg|44751586], and here we see the Avengers, the Illuminati, and the Cabal trying to outwit each other into not losing, as Victoria Richards would always point out. And if one is looking for the inevitable, we see here another Anthony-Steve conflict, good guys outwitting each other, and knowing when to draw the line and when to cross it. Magnificent.