A review by see_sadie_read
Resistance: A Novel of Aerdh by B.R. Sanders


Another winner from Sanders. The world-building here is fabulous. Though I've read several stories in this world, I think you get a pretty good idea of its complexity here in condensed form.

The main character Shandolin (Doe) is likable as are the side characters. But what's really great is that you get diversity in the cast, both in the racial divisions of the elves, Qin, satyrs, humans, etc (though not all of them play a big part in this book), but also in sexuality, gender orientation, body types, and relationship styles. And all of it is just part of who they are, no need to make it the conflict on which the story hinges.

The infant social revolt that the story does hinge on is sketched out fairly faintly. Much of it depends on connections Doe made before the beginning of the story. But there is certainly enough to follow and believe it. I did feel the end was a bit rushed. Though I liked the ending just fine, it did seem to come about quite easily.

As an aside, and I'm really not sure as it's been over a year since I read [b:Ariah|25450286|Ariah (Ariah, #1)|B.R. Sanders|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1430518084s/25450286.jpg|24936071], but I think some of these might be side characters from the middle of that book. I'm not sure, as I said, but they all felt so familiar but I'm not certain on the names. Can anyone give me a yes or no on that idea? I see another review that said this is a whole new cast. So, now I'm doubting myself.