A review by barefootmegz
The Body Electric by Beth Revis


[This is a truncated review. The full, original review can be found on my blog at https://barefootmeds.wordpress.com/2014/10/28/zzzzn-znnn-zzzzzn-the-body-electric-by-beth-revis/]

I know it sounds like a massive cop-out, but it really is true that the less you know about the story up front, the better.

This is a plot-driven novel. Actually, that’s an understatement: this is a novel that is constantly moving and that I couldn’t put down! But what I mean is that the characters aren’t the sole focal point, so some reviewers have commented that the characters weren’t very well-developed. I liked the characters, and although I maybe wouldn’t be able to write an in-depth character analysis of each one, it didn’t bother me. Mostly because I was too busy worrying about what was going to happen next!

Despite my excitement to read this, I was a little worried, because HYPE. But it was awesome.

I liked Ella. She was hardcore and realistic, and FIERCE. No silly little impulsive actions for her, no sirree. (Except for that one time when she, like, had to run for her life).

Oh, and THE WORLD. I did not read Revis’ other books but I gather that there are a few references to Across the Universe. I’ve never been to Malta, but the way Revis paints it gave me vivid imagery, and made me do a gazillion image-searches and I’m already planning my next holiday there! But she also created a whole new part to Malta that you will just need to read to see how cool it is.

There is a bit of a dystopian element present, but if you pay close attention to the end you’ll see that it’s not the usual trope regarding big governments. It’s pretty open-ended, which I thought was good.

Also, this is a standalone novel, whoop-whoop!

Finally, the writing: it is fluent and non-pretentious, easy-to-read, and just great. There is no pseudo-intellectual banter. It’s great action-packed sci-fi with a good dose of real life thrown in.

“Maybe being alone in the sea, with its unexplored depths, its clawing-finger waves, really is safer compared to the land, where there are people and malice and death.”

As for the bees… you’ll notice them on the cover. You’ll notice subtle references to them. I worried that they were just a fun aesthetic element. Oh no. Nope. They are a big part of it, and I love them (except for when they are seriously creepy once or twice).

For me, this book deserves every bit of hype. I’m a big fan of Ella and her darling parents, and now also of Malta.

Disclaimer: I received an eARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.