A review by jennycip1
Motherless Daughters: The Legacy of Loss by Hope Edelman


Wow..just wow. This book has been sitting on my shelf taunting me for about 2 years. It was always “I’ll read that next year” “or next..” “someday”. It was a gift from my gram saying “you should read this it might help” I am 25 years old and lost my mom at 17. I have found it so hard to relate to my friends and their relationships with their mothers. Though I have wonderful women in my life that have guided me and supported me as well as a dad who is my best friend, I could never fully express how I felt not having my mom. Every feeling, insecurity, & thought of mine was justified and heard within these pages. I am so moved and though I’m sorry to have read through this book and relate to so many women I am also thankful to have women to share it with. Thank you Hope…