A review by beriboo
How We Disappeared by Jing-Jing Lee


A Necessary Exploration of Sexual Assault

How We Disappeared by Jing-Jing Lee is a poignant and important novel that tackles the difficult topic of sexual assault during wartime. While the book brings attention to this often-overlooked aspect of history, it falls short in fully capturing the emotional impact and depth of the characters' experiences.

Lee's writing style is descriptive and evocative, effectively transporting readers to the harrowing world of the survivors of sexual slavery during World War II. The author's research is evident, and she skillfully weaves historical details into the narrative, shedding light on a dark chapter of human history.

The characters in How We Disappeared are complex and their struggles are portrayed with sensitivity. Lee explores the themes of shame, guilt, and the search for identity with nuance, allowing readers to empathize with the survivors and witness their resilience. The portrayal of the female characters, in particular, is handled with care and respect, highlighting their strength and determination.

However, the book suffers from pacing issues although the subject matter is undoubtedly difficult. Additionally, the book occasionally relies on shocking and graphic scenes to convey the horrors of sexual assault. While these moments are undoubtedly powerful, they can sometimes feel exploitative and sensationalised, detracting from a more nuanced exploration of the survivors' experiences.

Despite these shortcomings, How We Disappeared serves as an important reminder of the atrocities committed during wartime and the resilience of those affected. Jing-Jing Lee's willingness to tackle such a difficult topic deserves recognition. Although the book may not fully capture the emotional depth and complexity of the characters' experiences, it serves as a stepping stone for further discussions and awareness surrounding sexual assault during times of conflict. Readers interested in historical fiction and willing to confront challenging subject matter will find value in How We Disappeared.

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