A review by costumeparty
Suburban Monsters by Christopher Hawkins


These stories are the perfect collection of related topics but different narrative voices, so that each one feels refreshing but also each one wears the reader down into a deeper sense of dread. Certain stories, like Storms of the Present are so graphic in description while still leaving many questions unanswered in the best addicting short story manner.

Hawkins writes differently for each story to capture the perspective clearly, and does this well, but has a story telling style that's very subtle and delightful. In each story, the events sort of unfold without a clear outline, and I was left usually figuring out what was happening in the same time as the narrator, seeing things unravel and realizing the horrific implications along with them. It's hard to describe, but he gives details in a way that keeps the reader anxious, kind of as if he's not showing the whole scene in one shot, and we're left to wonder what's hiding. If that makes sense. It's brilliant and I noticed it in almost every story.

I especially enjoyed