A review by capittella
Poetry Magazine November 2020 by


Normally I sum up +1 star for each goosebump-inducing text in an issue... so, at least +5 goosebumps = as many stars.

The first piece to activate shivers down my spine was Maxine Scates' poem "Return" about her mom. Then, Maria Hummel's "Stone Bread," of insta-hypnotizing powers, opened up a mythical portal inviting me in, and I haven't found my way out yet—nor I want to.

Marilyn Chin's dossier, on its own, would make this issue already worth its price... But then you also get the best Commentary on/after Paul Celan's poetry I've ever read, by word-wizard Chase Berggrun. Lastly, it was great to see Dorothy Chan's thoughtful-caring-inspiring review of Rosebud Ben-Oni's book BRXGHT XYXS, which immediately moved the book up my to-read pile...

Congrats/Thank you to the trinity Amos-Garbutt-Sasaki as more-than-competent interim editors, inviting true diversity and risk into the pages of, hopefully, an ever-more-inspiring magazine! <3