A review by jshepard
The Best American Science and Nature Writing 2015 by Rebecca Skloot, Tim Folger


I am really a sucker for nature essays. I have read this series most years since 2000. The books are curated magazine articles from the prvious year (in this case 2014). I am not sure why I enjoy them more in book form than in the magazines. I think it is because I am more focused when presented as a book. In any case, I find these essays an excellent end of day meditation on the endlessly facinating and rapidly changing developments in Science and the equally important impact on us humans. These essays are alway a riot of ideas and opening each is like unwrapping christmas gifts. This book's topics included rural solar lighting in India (cool!), light pollution, end of life care, plant patents (boo!), medical actors (who knew?) Phineas Gage and lots more. It took a while to read this one, though.