A review by kenziestevenson
Memoirs of a Dutiful Daughter by Simone de Beauvoir


Dragged in some parts near the end but overall it was one of the greatest autobiographies I’ve read. Simone speaks to a small part of me that I didn’t realize was there, and I feel that any woman who reads this will feel similarly. Truly a special book.

“The books I liked became a Bible from which I drew advice and support…the words and the cadences, the lines and the verses were not aids to make-believe: but they rescued from silent oblivion all those intimate adventures of the spirit that I couldn’t speak to anyone else about; they created a kind of communion between myself and those twin souls which existed somewhere out of reach; instead of living out my small private existence, I was participating in a great spiritual epic. For months I kept myself going with books: they were the only reality within my reach.”