A review by kikiandarrowsfishshelf
The Flying Sorcerers: More Comic Tales of Fantasy by Peter Haining


This collection is a mixed bag. In fact, I only liked one of the stories in the third section. It was "From Gustible's Planet".

Part of the poem is that Haining seems to be using the terms "fantasy" and "comic" very boardly. Wodehouse's story, "A Slice of Life" is funny, but it isn't really fantasy. "Danse Macabre" by Peake is a really good spooky story, but it's not funny (neither is the story "Roaches" for that matter).

There are some good stories though. "Turntables of the Night" by Terry Pratchett is good and features Death outside of the Disc. "Sam Small's Better Half" by Eric Knight is a funny and very touching story about a marriage. I didn't know Lassie's creator wrote fantasy. Now I want to find more of his work. "Nasty" by Fredric Brown might just be the best story in the collection, unless it is "The Stone Thing" by Michael Moorcock.