A review by jackiehorne
How to School Your Scoundrel by Juliana Gray


The most successful of the "Princess in Hiding" books, to my mind, perhaps because our hero and heroine seemed so well-matched. I enjoy stories where a previous story's villain becomes the hero, especially when his villainy was not just misunderstood goodness but really really bad behavior, and Leopold, the Earl of Somerton (the big bad in Gray's previous series) certainly fits that bill. The cross-dressing heroine trope works really well here, too, allowing our heroine, Princess Luisa (aka Mr. Markham, new secretary to the Earl) time to get to know her brusque boss, and to see how loneliness and disappointed hopes drive him to his less-than-honorable life choices. Luisa's ability to stand up to the earl doesn't come across as ahistorically feminist, because as the heir to a principality she's used to wielding authority and power. Gray's lovely language and comic touch, combined with the baddy-coming-to-realize-his-own-potential-for-good storyline and scorching sex scenes make for a winning read.

Hard to avoid in a "princess must regain her country" light comedy storyline, but the banishment of those working to free the country from despotic rule at book's end was disappointing from a justice POV...