A review by kebreads
Princess of the Silver Woods by Jessica Day George


I really liked this book. However, I was a little disappointed that I didn’t absolutely love this book because I have loved every other book I’ve read by Jessica Day George. Despite that, I still really enjoyed reading this book. I do wish I had reread the other books in the series before I read it, but my husband was reading the series from start to finish for the first time, so I just decided to read the one I hadn’t read.

Petunia and Oliver were great characters. In some ways I couldn’t relate to Petunia since she was the youngest and I am one of the oldest. But she is a very strong character. The plot drew me in and kept me wanting to read. I think the book did a good job of finishing up the trilogy. One thing I liked was how this book provided little glimpses that made it so I could understand the villains’ points of view some and relate to them a little. There were many really good descriptions that not only made me feel like I was there but drew me even further into the world of the book.

Someday, perhaps even someday soon, I will reread the whole series, which I look forward to, as well as to reading and rereading other Jessica Day George books.

Rating: 4.5 stars – Highly Recommend
Content: Clean - a little violence, a few mild swear words (I counted 3)

See my review at http://www.iamareader.com/2014/03/book-review-princess-of-the-silver-woods-by-jessica-day-george.html