A review by purpleskyrising
Saving Marty by Paul Griffin


I received an advanced copy of this book to enjoy and review. Saving Marty by Paul Griffin is an adorable and witty book about a boy who saves a runt pig and a runt pig who brings together a family trough his hijinks. Renzo is a pre-teen growing up in Pennsylvania on a farm. His best friend Paloma and him bonded as children who have lost a parent. They spend their days on the farm making music and dreaming of making it big in hollywood. As a child, I lost a parent quite similarly to the way Renzo lost his father. This book though for pre-teens struck home for me. When Renzo finds Marty (the pig) in with the litter of puppies his dog just had, he almost instantly has a connection with him. Marty who grows up thinking he is a dog is comical and sweet. He comes into Renzo's life when he needs him most. Their friendship is sweet and I was constantly shocked by how draw-in I was to reading. Saving Marty had me laughing and crying, sometimes both at once. I loved this coming of age tale and can not wait for my son to be old enough to read it.All the characters in Saving Marty are all well-built, I especially love Double, though the areas to which they are in are lacking in detail. I was able though to be able to build it up with my imagination, and that is never a bad thing for kids to work on. 

Reading it with your pre-teen might also help open up the floor for various degrees of topics to talk about. Spoilers ahead!!!!!

Topics will include losing homes, war, PTSD, suicide, friends moving away, losing a pet, and handling bullies.

Saving Marty is intended for ages 10-14 but is a good tale for anyone.

Saving Marty is set to be released 9/19/17