A review by cathybruce208
Silver by Rhiannon Held


I liked this book very much. It's a great little werewolf book. Andrew Dare is a werewolf enforcer. He's not really a part of the Roanoke pack, but he's their enforcer. He punishes other wolves and drives off lones and strays from other packs. He's got a dark past, plus he's wound pretty tightly. This guy doesn't do anything casually.

He's chasing a lone wolf that's crossed into their territory (which seems to be the whole east coast of the US), but she's not a typical stray. She's hurt and she seems to be crazy. Plus, whatever happened to her could threaten werewolves everywhere.

Ms. Held does a nice bit of world-building in this book. The werewolves are powerful, but they have weaknesses. Their shapeshifting seems plausible and their "religion" makes sense, though it's not explored at length. The politics of the wolf pack and the cautious diplomacy between packs were also well handled. It all felt very organic and realistic. I could see these people living among us humans. We would never notice them.

I won't spoil the story, though I'm happy to report that it has a satisfying ending. (I'm also happy to report that the word "vampire" appears once, and only once in the whole book.) I look forward to Ms. Held's next book, whether she revisits this world or moves on to another one.