A review by lilyelement
Cowboy Delight by Cheryl Brooks


Lauren Allen is driving several hours to go meet her fiancee's parents. Luck however is not in her favor when her car decides to break down on the side of the road with no help in sight. She hoofs it back towards town and finally sees a diner and stops in. The patrons of the diner are all cowboys eating lunch and super nice. The waitress/owner of the diner lets her cool off and even goes out of her way to help arrange one of the cowboys to driver to the rest of the trip.

The novella itself was pretty good, it satisfied my cowboy urge. It will however bother quite a few readers since it does contain cheating. So if you're okay with that in books, and you love cowboys I'd suggest this novella. If you're not okay with cheating in books, I'd suggest you steer clear.