A review by rmtbray
The Explosion Chronicles by Yan Lianke

Did not finish book.
challenging dark slow-paced


Sprawling family / community novels are hard to write at the best of times (IMO), and whilst I liked the idea of Yan using the historic model of local chronicles, in reality I don't think it really worked. I don't have a problem with unlikeable characters (as they all are), but characters seeming to have no motivation behind their actions means that their horrible actions aren't even remotely understandable. The magical realism seems to at times be standing in for a simple explanation of what may be going on in a character's head, but it didn't work for me.

I don't this my disconnection with this book is entirely the book's fault - not having read any of Yan's earlier work I perhaps didn't have the background that would've helped me to enjoy it. Perhaps something I'll revisit in the future.

Thanks to net galley for the chance to read and honestly review this.