A review by ruthsic
Babyteeth, Vol. 1: Born by Donny Cates, Mark Englert, Garry Brown, Taylor Esposito


Billed as a Juno-meets-The Omen kind of story, Babyteeth is a retrospective story narrated by Sadie, a teen mom who discovers she got more than she bargained for. Part humor, part horror, it starts with how the birth of her son literally causes an earthquake. Then comes the part where she has her family's support to survive what's coming ahead.

Sadie is a little scared at first, as expected of any teen mom. Her ex-marine dad and her delinquent older sister are badasses and she is afraid to tell him she was pregnant and her (sister) who the father of the child is. (Nah, it was another plain ole human teen) In any case, she gets through the delivery (during which she dies for a second there) and gets home, but she is still unsure of how to be a mother at her age. Her vulnerability shines through at moments like when she is not able to hush the child but her dad helps out. But even before she can get over the fact that now she is responsible for a human(-ish) life, she discovers, to her horror, that her kid likes blood - specifically only hers (at the moment). The author brings out the utter disbelief in her sister and father and the total bonkers-ness (that is a word, right?) of the situation. Conceptually, it is carried out very well. Following this, there is an assassin out for her kid (and of course that assassin belongs to some weird cult) and another weird dude who saves her sister and comes to help out with protection.

The artwork of the book is very atmospheric - a lot of dark scenes, overwhelming red in color scheme and creepy kid smiles perfected. The alternate covers are also excellent conceptual models. This is a graphic novel you definitely want to sink your creepy teeth into. ;)

Received an advance reader copy in exchange for a fair review from Aftershock Comics, via Netgalley.