A review by lostinthepaiges
Gaia: Goddess of Earth by Imogen Greenberg


Thank you to NetGalley for the eARC of Gaia: Goddess of Earth by Imogen and Greenberg.

This was a lovely retelling of Greek mythology at it's earliest- Gaia, the personification of Earth and one of the Greek primordial deities.

Mother of the sky, the sea, and the Titans we hear so much about, Gaia is an essential and wonderfully interesting part of Greek Mythology.

The artwork in this graphic novel was wonderful. A lovely sense of 'children's book illustrations' whilst still being brilliant for a middle-grade or adult reader.

Greek mythology has fascinated me for as long as I can remember, and this retelling of Gaia, Rhea, The Furies and The Fates is a fantastic read for both young and old.

I will definatly want to being this lovely book into the classroom, and dive into the other works of the Greenberg sisters (whom I have very happily discovered from recieving this eARC).