A review by anniewill
Cutting Teeth by Julia Fierro


1 1/2 stars

I had to look at the description several times to make sure I wasn't reading a satire. Every single character was such a ridiculous, over the top, extreme portrayal that that was the only logical explanation. Sadly, the author and some of the reviews I read online seem to actually take her portrayals seriously. I'm actually embarrassed for the author that she would create such caricatures and pass it off as "literary fiction". Um, no.

Does she actually know any "mommies"? And why, oh why did she insist on using that annoying term repeatedly throughout the novel. No mother I know, in my almost 22 years of parenting, has ever referred to herself as a "mommy"- or a playgroup as a "mommies group". Gag.

I see from the author's bio that she is indeed a parent, excuse me, mommy , I assume she must not know any other actual parents to draw some sort of comparison for her characters. I find it hard to enjoy a novel where there is not one single character that is likable in any way at all.

What a waste of time!