A review by chelsea_jack
Darkness in the Blood by Vicki Keire


This second book in the Angel's Edge series is an improvement over the first in that I was able to relax a little - the sinister atmosphere of the first book is gone in favour of more action right from the very start of the book.

That said, Caspia still irritated me quite a bit. She's impulsive, somehow thinks she can protect her loved ones without consulting them at all (particularly when it's obvious they're keeping many secrets from her), bumbling when she is pro-active and generally trying to keep her head in the sand otherwise. She laments a time when she didn't have to worry about all the threats that face her and chooses to embrace

Though we're up to three guys who might be interested in Caspia, I never felt the novel pushed anything other than the Caspia-Ethan romance. This is good, given what Ethan gave up for her in the first book in the series. I was thrilled that the novel was bold enough not to lean on the love triangle!

Generally speaking, Angel's Edge is a fantastic universe to spend time in. I loved the richness of the angel-Nephilium material, and the layers of magic and magical creatures in Whitfield.

Looking forward to the third book!

See my complete review at To Each Their Own Reviews

Received from publisher in exchange for an honest review.