A review by magencorrie
Girl of Nightmares by Kendare Blake


4 stars!

My Review:

I've just enjoyed this series so much. The paranormal elements that Blake mixed with her story really pulled me in and left me wanting more. Girl of Nightmares was just as beautifully written, creepy, and consuming as the first book.

Blake created a wonderful world filled with ghosts, ghouls, and magic. Her story was beautifully told that left a chill creeping up my spin. Once I picked up this book, I couldn't put it down!

The only thing that deterred me was that I couldn’t remember a few events from the first book. So going in was a bit overwhelming, at first, but once I got a few chapters in things did slowly start coming back to me.

I still feel like Cas is the perfect male POV to read from. I just enjoy being inside his head so much. He wasn’t as cocky as he was in the first book, he felt more level headed, more sure of himself in ways. Though he is battling with more emotional events, I could feel that he has matured since the first book. I just adore him, quite honestly. And being inside his head while he did whatever he could to save Anna was an enjoyable experience.

Carmel and Thomas are some of the greatest side characters I have ever encountered. I just adored them as well. I loved that Thomas supported Cas no matter what. And though Carmel did have a bit of a stumble, in the end she really turned out to be another great friend to Cas. I loved that Blake added such strong friendships in her book.

This definitely is not your typical love story. And I loved that about this series. It shows a different kind of love. Anna, being a dead girl, is not your typical love interest, but she is a strong character and she, once again, proves herself in the end. I enjoyed her because of what she went through and despite it all she was a good person, dead or not. She is smart and selfless.

I just love the creepy, paranormal world that Blake created. It was refreshing and unique. I adored the main character, loved the side characters, and just couldn’t get enough of the not-so-typical love interest. Girl of Nightmares was a wonderful read!