A review by maryehavens
The Infinite Blacktop by Sara Gran


It took me a while to get used to Claire DeWitt. At first, I was put off by her extremely careless, take no prisoners selfishness and I thought Gran was trying too hard to be noir. The pivot occurred when Claire talked about finding ultimate truth. I also am seeking ultimate truth so it was a revelatory concept that it might be a "thing" (not talking about religion here, just talking about true selves, really). I also thought her use of the f-word was gratuitous and out of place but that calmed down after awhile, or I got used to it. I also became a bit confused at the three different mysteries but that also made sense after awhile. Never got used to the Nancy Drew naming of her mysteries but whatever.
The actual plot was super interesting. The imagery of the infinite blacktop/never-ending highway was also on point. And can we get some claps for this cover? I felt cooler just picking this book up!
My favorite mystery was probably The Case of the CBSIS and the book would have been very short if there were just one mystery versus three.
I'm adding the other Claire DeWitt that my library has to my to-read list. We'll see if I still like her after another go. As a person, I would have kept my distance but as a book, she deserves another shot :)