A review by theavidreaderandbibliophile
Halfway Perfect by Julie Cross, Mark Perini


Halfway Perfect by Julie Cross and Mark Perini is a young adult romance story. Eve Knowakowski is eighteen years old and a photography student at Columbia University. She has to write an artist profile paper for Dr. Larson’s class and he has helped her get an interview with Janessa Fields, a well-known photographer. Eve is going on a photo shoot with Janessa. When they arrive at the location, Eve is upset to discover they are at the offices of Seventeen Magazine. Eve is hoping no one will recognize her, but luck is not with Eve. She runs into her former agent, Wes Danes. Eve used to be known as Eve Castle when she was modeling. Eve quit modeling the day before shooting a big Gucci campaign. Wes is the last person Eve wants to see.

Alex Evans is eighteen and a model. Wes Danes is his agent. Alex is on the set and recognizes Eve. Alex does not reveal her identity to anyone else in the room. Alex and Eve start talking and they enjoy each other’s company. They would like to get to know each other better, but there is a small glitch. Alex’s agent has arranged for a fake romance with new model Elana. Elana is a fourteen year old French model, but they tell everyone she is eighteen. Alex and Elana are to be the golden couple to try and get a Calvin Klein campaign. This means Alex and Eve have to be very discreet.

Unfortunately, the paparazzi are everywhere. One day Eve and Alex are seen going into his building. Wes tells Alex to break things off with Eve (Wes has his own motives) and makes the reporters think Eve and Wes are an item. Unfortunately, this causes more harm than good especially for Eve. You will need to read Halfway Perfect to find out what happens with Alex and Eve and why Eve left modeling so abruptly.

I give Halfway Perfect 3 out of 5 stars. It is an interesting story, but it is very predictable. I normally love Julie Cross’ books, but this one was just okay. I love books that make you think, draw you in and keep you engaged, and you keep thinking about it after you have finished the book. Halfway Perfect was not one of those books. It actually left me a little sad when I finished it.

I received a complimentary copy of Halfway Perfect from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. The review and opinions expressed are strictly my own.