A review by adogmomsbookishlife
The Greatest You: Face Reality, Release Negativity, and Live Your Purpose by Trent Shelton


Trent Shelton is an absolutely phenomenal motivational and inspirational speaker .... and just all around good person. I really enjoyed learning more about his background and how he got to where he is today.

I have to say I found myself highlighting bits and pieces throughout the entire book, but at the very end, in chapter 10, it all comes full circle. I highlighted just about every single line in that chapter.

The only thing that could have made this experience better would have been listening to the audio version, because Trent himself narrates it. And there’s something about the way he speaks that would have an even greater impact than just reading the words.

I tell everybody I know about Trent, regardless of what they are going through. Now I have one more thing to brag about when I talk about how wonderful he is!