A review by beastreader
Fall of Poppies: Stories of Love and the Great War by Heather Webb, Hazel Gaynor, Beatriz Williams


I enjoy reading stories set in WWI and WWII time periods. Thus the reason I wanted to read this anthology. Plus, I was familiar with some of the authors featured in this anthology. The stories I really connected to the characters in and could not stop reading were The Daughter of Belgium by Marci Jefferson, The Record Set Right by Lauren Willig, and Hush by Hazel Gaynor. Yet the rest of the stories in this anthology I either could not get into or only semi liked. I was saddened that I could not get into this story An American Airman in Paris as I am an aviation buff.

Don't let the title of this anthology treat you as not all love stories have to be about couples. In fact, some of these stories were about families. Which is just as important. Although I did not care for most of the stories in this anthology, I did find myself a few new authors.