A review by amyl88
Ashes of the Unspeakable by Franklin Horton


I actually really enjoy the story. I like seeing how people react in different situations and how they are able to survive.

For narrative purposes, I think that the author made the collapse so fast, it's not really realistic for me. I also feel like the author has a bit of an agenda. The main character, Jim, did some scapegoating poor people and stereotyping welfare recipients and people who live in trailers. Although one of the other characters defended that choice of housing, she did agree that welfare people were just lazy. I feel like the next book will have racial tension, based on the fact that one of the other characters has told them that he lives near a government housing project. This kind of talk was pretty rare in this story, but it irritated me every time and I think it detracted from the story but that's just my opinion.

There is some graphic violence, but if you've read the first one, you're ready for that.

I guess reading this series now, during the shitshow that 2020 has become, was maybe not such a great idea. If anything half as catastrophic as these events happens, we are NOT ready. Hell, if the entire electrical grid was targeted, maybe society would actually collapse in two weeks, who knows. I guess anything can happen.