A review by deedralapray
A Tangled Mercy by Joy Jordan-Lake


Oh, Charleston. You beautiful, tragic city. Matt started this book before we headed to Charleston. Even though I had done a lot of reading beforehand on history and attractions in Charleston, Matt seemed to have a better grasp of their connections. I decided to go ahead and read this one, too.

It is told in alternative perspectives - oscillating between the story of Tom Russell, who was a slave and a blacksmith in 1822, and Kate Drayton, who has ties to Charleston that go back to the ugly time of slavery. As I was reading this book, I could clearly imagine both the current day setting and that of the one based in 1822. It's amazing how much, yet how little, the city has changed. Many of the homes and history are still present today. What has changed is the spirit and love that abound in Charleston.