A review by petealdin
Garbage Man by Joseph D'Lacey


What a great read! An unusual and (despite the title) fresh tale, very very well told.

Mr D'Lacey's writing style reminds me in some ways of Stephen King's. This is not just because of the "dark" tone and subject matter, nor the fact that King's review of Garbage Man is on the cover. It's because D'Lacey's narrative flows as well as King's (usually) does (and in some places better) -- reading the book was effortless. It's because D'Lacey has a knack for painting vivid characters who feel like people you've met, who make you cringe or feel sorry for them, who make you "root" for them.

I say this, but D'Lacey is very much is own writer, rather than a King clone. His ideas are inique, his characters more so, his techniques sneaky in a way King's aren't.

The story itself ... well, you can read other people's reviews for plot spoilers and teasers. I simply enjoyed a story about people's choices and the overwhelming message of a world reaping what it has sown.

A good read.