A review by awall14
India: A Short History by Andrew Robinson


I've been wanting to read a history book on India for some time now and when I saw this one at the British Library I thought it would be a good place to start.
This book is good -- it covers an enormous amount of time in a small amount of pages, and for the most part it does it well. I left with a general and overarching understanding of India's complex history, which was ultimately my goal. However, I would have liked was more detail -- or maybe more explanation. My knowledge of India is full of gaps, so when the author mentioned names without giving any background information I was often left confused and looking up info in other sources. The author seemed to be working under the assumption that I knew all the key players, when I assuredly did not. However, I also get that this is a short history and so perhaps this info was left out due to page number constraints.