A review by metafiktion
Love, Lies and Indomee by Nuril Basri


It was solely my love for Indomi/ee that kept drawing me to this title every time I encountered it on a shelf, eventually overcoming even my general indifference towards romance novels. So you can imagine my disappointment upon discovering that Indomie is not, in fact, a central focus of this book. Really, why even put it in the title if you’re gonna cop out with “instant noodles” in the text? Man. (I read the English version, so maybe some kicap got lost in translation, idk.)

“Love”, too, barely makes a convincing appearance, though we are definitely on solid ground with “lies”. The book is clearly written to be fun and humorous, but I really couldn’t get into it; mostly I just felt strong second-hand embarrassment or anger at the cringey situations everyone got themselves into all around. I kept hoping for something — anything — to like in the shallow, entitled, fatphobic protagonist, but... nope. I will say that the book is somewhat redeemed by plot twist/s that are marginally better than that implied in the blurb, but other than that, you’d be better served getting your Indomie fix elsewhere.