A review by beyondevak
In the Mirror by Kaira Rouda


In the Mirror by Kaira Rouda was such an incredible book and yet it was even more than that. It was a moving read. It was hard and real and raw and honest. It was life and death and life all over again.

My Thoughts:

I cannot imagine being Jennifer. What she had to face, what she had to deal with... But her strength, her beauty, and her resolve were remarkable. In the end, she was at that affirming and necessary place of acceptance. I loved that.

Dearest Henry... My heart literally aches for this wonderful man. I understood him so well. He showed himself to be such a lovely man of worth.

Thank heavens for Ralph! He was a dose of goodness. (Insert sniffle and sigh here.) Also, his wife's words to Jennifer as she sat on her throne...well, they were absolutely perfect. Just marvelously right!

Jennifer's family and friends were quite colorful. They had their own stories to tell as well. I'm glad Rouda uncovered their issues. It made the reading experience more authentic somehow. I learned a lot from seeing them.


There were so many facets to this beautiful story. I felt that it dealt with a difficult subject in such a graceful way. Rouda produced a well-written, well thought out book that was filled with the pretty and not-so-pretty issues that go along with a terminal diagnosis.

This book will make you think, laugh, cry, feel, and come to a personal truth about what really matters regarding life and love.

Outstanding work!

Rating: 5/5
Recommend: Yes
Bookshelf Worthy: Yes
Content: Clean, Mature
Audience: YA-A
Book Club Spotlight Feature Recommended: Yes
Extras: Discussion topics and questions
Other: Dealing with cancer of any type is something that affects not just the person who has it, but it also affects their loved ones and extended circle as well. Many strange and unfamiliar emotions and feelings are visited from the time the diagnosis is given all the way forward. One can really begin to see perhaps what they should have already been able to see or rather what was already there in each life, including his or her own.
HEA: ? (Read it and you tell me.)