A review by wa_reader
Deal with the Devil by Kit Rocha

Did not finish book. Stopped at 9%.
The action started out strong, and I love a capable kiss-arse heroine.  

However I'm still not in the mood for post-apocalyptic Earth sci-fi following Covid. Had a crack, but just couldn't do it. Probably doesn't help that I tend to live in places where cyclones, floods & storm damage have cut road & rail transport lines (to the entire state/western 40% of Australia) causing food shortages, black-outs, and water restrictions regularly enough over the past few years. So I read the map & descriptions of access to water/food/power a bit too closely. Some of the details were way too simplistic and got me thinking about the sheer effort involved around water/food and I gave up on the book/series. For now.

Will try again in a few years time. Maybe after I've installed solar power & a back-up water tank to my suburban house.

Ebook via Libby