A review by theavidreaderandbibliophile
The Edge of Lost by Kristina McMorris


The Edge of Lost by Kristina McMorris is an interesting historical novel. The novel begins on Alcatraz Island with Inmate 257, Tommy Capello, trying to escape and hoping they do not find lost little girl of one of the guards. Then the novel goes to 1919 to begin the story. Shanley Keagan is twelve years old in and lives in Dublin, Ireland. He is an orphan at the mercy of his Uncle William O’Mara. Shan is good at impressions, acting, singing, and comedic routines. His uncle books him into various venues to earn money (which the uncle spends). Shan discovers that his biological father was an American sailor named John S. Lewis. Shan wants to go to America to look for him and works at convincing his uncle that it would be a good opportunity for them. After a bout of sickness, his uncle agrees to go. Upon arriving in New York at Ellis Island, Uncle Will is dead in his bunk. Shan does not want to be sent back to Ireland. He had rescued Tony Capello from some bullies on the ship, and he is hoping Tony can help him get into America. The Capello family agree to let Shan pretend to be their deceased. The Capello’s take Shan into their home and he has a good home for the first time in years. Shan goes on a search for his father while forging a new life for himself in America. Find out what happens to Tommy Capello and Shan Keagan in The Edge of Lost.

The Edge of Lost is an intriguing novel. I was not sure I would like this novel (I usually do not read books with a male main character), but this novel captured my interest right from the start. There are a couple of slow areas, but overall an enjoyable novel. There is some violence and foul language in the book (as well as sex). The story takes us through the 1920s and we get to experience bootlegging, speakeasies, and boys growing up into men (and the choices they make). The Edge of Lost is well written (the author did a good job showing us New York in the 1920s). The writer takes us from Ireland to New York (provides great descriptions). I liked the authors writing style and how she wove the story together. The Edge of Lost has an enjoyable ending that will leave you smiling. I give The Edge of Lost 4 out of 5 stars.

I received a complimentary copy of The Edge of Lost from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
