A review by 8797999
Antony and Cleopatra by Adrian Goldsworthy


Superb, I thoroughly enjoyed this history. Coming into it I knew only the bare bones and what popular culture wants us to know. It was a very interesting and informative read of the 'facts' of the story of one of histories tragic couples.

Given how little is known of Cleopatra, there are a lot of gaps in her history, as opposed to more being known of Antony. Nonetheless this was a great read and introduction to them and their place and part in Roman history and Europe's too.

I would like to read more on them but I can't see what could be added to a comprehensive read. The book not only touches on them but the history around them, Sulla, Pompey, Caesar and Octavian. Essentially a history of the final throes of the Roman Republic.

I do wonder how different it could have been had Antony been a competant General and had his own Aggripa leading his lines.