A review by errantdreams
Charred Roots by Lee French, Erik Kort


Chavali is one of my favorite main characters ever. She’s a strong, imperfect woman. She is well-known for being “difficult,” but she has extremely strong moral boundaries–they’re just different from those of most of the people she spends her time with. She has such a strong personality, and she truly cares for her fellow Fallen. She’s also coming to care more about helping people just for the sake of helping–her character growth is a lovely, gradual arc throughout the series. I love the fact that when Chavali meets an old lover of Colby’s, the authors didn’t feel the need to make the two of them into catty rivals, which so many writers would do.

There’s a surprising touch of (cosmic) horror in the presence of a magical fungal infection in this volume. There’s magic, more information about who and what Karias is, city politics, warring gangs, and plenty more going on. I always love seeing how Chavali chooses to go about these things. She isn’t sneaky like two of her team. She isn’t a bull in a fight like Colby. She doesn’t have another friend’s magic. But she reads people like nobody’s business–both their body language and (if she touches their skin) their thoughts, and this leads to some fascinating approaches to things. As usual Chavali makes new allies and enemies as she goes, leading to all sorts of shenanigans.

The worldbuilding is gorgeous, the characters are all fascinating individuals, and there’s plenty of character development and action. I highly recommend reading this entire series!

Original review posted on my blog: http://www.errantdreams.com/2019/07/review-charred-roots-erik-kort-lee-french/